AATC – Austrian Association of Translation Companies

AATC – A platform for professionally certified translation companies in Austria
What does the AATC do?
The AATC is the first Austrian association of companies that offer language services such as translation or interpreting. The members of the AATC help clients transport their content in the most appropriate way for their target languages and cultures.
AATC members are local companies that operate in a global market. They are open-minded, do not shy away from new tasks and challenges and are ideally suited to work both as qualified language consultants and project managers. As reliable partners, the member companies of the AATC plan the translation process with the client, organise and oversee the execution and ensure quality management at the end. Because in the long term, only high quality can lead to sustainable, mutually beneficial business relationships.
As our working environment changes, so does the range of language services offered by our member companies. We have made it our goal to inform the private and public sectors about current state of the art language services and to make a decisive contribution to their success by optimising the internationalisation processes of our clients.
In the process, we promote industry networking and international interest groups.
What do our members do?
As language service providers, the members of the AATC have a broad knowledge base. They can share advice, help develop strategies and of course they are language and communication experts. They are familiar with the latest developments in technology and IT as well as relevant design and marketing principles.
The different roles that language service providers play in the translation process can vary depending on the type of project, its scope, complexity and industry. AATC members are always flexible and customer-oriented in their work. They adhere to deadlines and focus on ensuring high quality as well as maximum efficiency in terms of time and costs.
All the AATC members are audited quality providers and certified according to the international standard ISO 17100 for the production of translations. In addition, according to the statutes of the AATC, each member has pecuniary damage liability insurance along with certain other criteria that are defined in our internal regulations.
News & Insights
We regularly report on current developments in the industry and provide insights into the world of the AATC.